Lightning Physics and Lightning Protection
Cycle: Summer term

Lecture: Lightning Physics and Lightning Protection

Type of event Lecture (Master)
Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Martin Hannig
Module no.
Credit Points
Winter term
150 h (2 SWS)
Time Will be announced in Moodle.
Place Will be announced in Moodle.
Teaching content
  • Thunderstorms and Cloadclassification, formation and electrification
  • Lightning, terminology, types, charge transfer, typical parameters
  • Streamer- leader process, inception and development in large gaps
  • Electric and magnetic fields in vicinity of lightning discharge
  • Return stroke models, charge distributions and neutralization
  • The Finite-Difference Time Domain Method for solving Maxwell's equations
  • Lightning location, the technical use of field information
  • Lightning effects in the middle and upper atmosphere
  • Lightning hazard and deleterious effects
  • Lightning protection and related threats, historical overview, standards and present lightning protection concepts
  • Outer lightning protection, Lightning rods, down conductors, grounding systems, potential bonding and separation distances
  • Inner lightning protection, surge protection devices, installation, test standards
  • Lightning protection on transmission lines, faults and effects, calculation of outage rates and opportunities of improvement
  • Lightning and surge protection for wind turbines
Learning objectives After successful completion of the module, the students know the inception, development and effects of natural lightning. They are able to differentiate between types of lightning and know all typical parameters, related to different surges and types of lightning. They know that the parameters may differ in different places over the earth and know the reason for this deviation.
The students learn about all relevant components of a lightning strike as well as their technical relevance in lightning protection, surge protection and lightning location. The theory and most relevant models of lightning attachment and also its successive return stroke are known. All relevant lightning threats in terms of lightning protection are known and can be calculated.
The students know how a standardized lightning protection system has to look like. They know about lightning protection levels, lightning protection zones and are able to apply measures on building, transmission lines and wind mills. The students know about simulation methodologies used in lightning research, taking into account the full retarded Maxwell equations. The students are aware of the uncertainties in lightning protection and lightning research. They know about open questions in the field of research related to the inception, discharge and effects of lightning.
The students learn about unconventional lightning protection, which cannot be found in the standard, and also get to know why they are not found there. The students are sensitized about research results in general.
Prerequisites recommended: B.Sc. ETiT, B.Sc. Wi-ETiT
Material All materials will be available in Moodle.
Examination The exam date will be announced in Moodle.

The examination takes place in form of a written exam (duration: 120 minutes). If one can estimate that less than 10 students register, the examination will be an oral examination (duration: 30 min.). The type of examination will be announced in the beginning of the lecture.
Guest lectures & Excursions Field trips will be announced in the lecture and on Moodle.


Lightning is a natural phenomenon that has fascinated mankind for thousands of years. For a long time, their powerful optical, acoustic and electrical effects could only be explained by supernatural or divine forces. Over the past three centuries, research into lightning protection has produced various protection concepts that have been incorporated into national and international standards and work well. Technical progress has made it possible to gain new insights into the lightning mechanism using cameras or interferometry. However, there are still many unexplained phenomena for which there are no satisfactory explanations. More and more wind farms are being built as part of the energy transition. These tall structures provoke many upward flashes and consequently damage to the rotor blades or the nacelle.

New materials are constantly being used in aircraft and vehicle construction which, although lighter or stronger, no longer have any particular lightning current carrying capacity or are no longer electrically conductive at all and therefore no longer represent a Faraday cage.

Climate change is also leading to global warming, which ultimately results in greater energy in the atmosphere and can therefore also lead to an increase in the global frequency of thunderstorms.

The lecture aims to summarize the current knowledge about the physics of a lightning discharge and explain the technical possibilities for locating and observing lightning. The lecture will also explain how lightning protection works in Germany and worldwide. Lightning research is an interdisciplinary science and covers topics from theoretical electrical engineering, measurement technology, measurement data processing, high-voltage technology and power engineering.

Registration via TUCaN required!

You must register for this course in TUCaN.

If you would like to take the exam, you must also register for the exam via TUCaN.


Further information in the Moodle course

All organizational information about this event will be announced in the corresponding Moodle course.

You will be automatically enrolled in the Moodle course after you have registered for the course in TUCaN.

Moodle der TU Darmstadt